The C19 listserv is designed for the academic and intellectual use of members of C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, as well as for those nonmembers interested in nineteenth-century U.S. literature and culture and American studies.
If you wish to subscribe, please send an email to L-C19-Americanists-subscribe-request@lists.psu.edu. No subject or message text is required. The system picks up the name and address from the e-mail headers. (You can delete yourself from the list by simply sending an email to L-C19-Americanists-unsubscribe-request@lists.psu.edu. No subject or message text is required.)
The immediate purpose of this list is to facilitate C19 business, particularly the election of officers and the formation of the society’s membership roster. The L-C19-Americanists list may also be used for calls for papers, announcements of academic events, or information about resources for scholars (e.g. fellowships). Subscribers can direct a message to the list by sending mail to the following address: L-C19-Americanists@lists.psu.edu.
Image: From Emily Dickinson's Herbarium