Since its founding in 2009, C19 has hosted six successful conferences: Penn State (2010), UC Berkeley (2012), UNC, Chapel Hill (2014), Penn State (2016), University of New Mexico (2018), and Coral Gables (2022). The 2020 conference was held online.
Beyond the biennial conference, the Society supports a range of initiatives that foster connection and collaboration between its members. In 2015, we initiated the C19 Circuit, short regional events and workshops focused on bringing together area students, teachers, and scholars to discuss topics related to nineteenth-century America. Beginning with its inaugural episode in 2018, the popular C19 Podcast is now entering its eighth season, and the ever-resourceful Ad Hoc Committee on Events (established in the midst of the pandemic) held its first in a series of ongoing virtual events in April 2021.
The C19 listserv continues to serve as the venue for communications about events and happenings in nineteenth-century American studies, and C19 Cluster Groups enable those with special interests to develop institutional and intellectual connections. Since 2020, the Society has also sponsored Early Career Connections, a mentorship program for scholars of color. The community of C19 members is the driving force behind the organization's development.
J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, the official journal of the Society, is published semiannually by JHU Press and received by all C19 members. Co-edited by Sarah Chinn and Brigitte Fielder, J19 welcomes interdisciplinary work representing the most innovative research and analysis, and its regular features include "state of the field" polemics, reproductions of new and significant archival materials, roundtables, and special issues on topics of general interest to nineteenth-century Americanists.
To support J19 and C19 as a whole, please join or renew your membership! As a member, you will:
Receive the Society’s interdisciplinary journal, J19 (two issues per year, in hard copy and online)
Be eligible to participate in the Society's biennial conference (registration for the conference will be separate)
Vote in C19 leadership elections and matters of concern to the organization
Receive information about upcoming conferences and other Society events
Help to strengthen and shape C19 as a diverse, interdisciplinary, and vibrant organization representing many approaches to nineteenth-century scholarship
C19 offers a two-year membership that runs according to the calendar year. A membership purchased in 2024, on or after Jan. 1, would expire Dec. 31, 2025. The current two-year membership rates are:
Full-time tenured faculty: $170
Full-time pre-tenure faculty: $120
Full-time non-tenure track faculty, community college faculty, K-12 teachers, postdoctoral fellows, emeriti, librarians, and other professionals: $90
Graduate students, part-time and contingent faculty, independent scholars, and community members: $60
While it is possible to subscribe only to the journal and not join C19, we hope that you will support the organization as a whole. To join or renew your membership, please click the link: Join C19!
You may check the status of your C19 membership by emailing jrnlcirc@jh.edu (please make sure C19 is in the subject line), or by clicking HERE. (You may need to retrieve your username and/or reset your password.)
For other membership queries, please email Lori Merish at lam34@georgetown.edu
Membership Committee
Lori Merish (Georgetown University), Chair
John Hay (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Kevin Modestino (Howard University)
Camille Owens (McGill University)